Latest Medical Update

Today we received some difficult news. Dad hasn’t taken any breaths on his own in several hours. As a result, the doctors are proceeding with a series of two formal tests to determine his level of brain activity. The first will take place at about 4.00 pm Eastern time, and the second at least six hours after that.

These tests create an even greater sense of urgency for us. Please pray with us for God to accomplish a great healing miracle in dad’s body today.

Our hope is not in a test, a diagnosis, or a particular outcome. Our hope is in Jesus, who conquered death once and for all. He is a great God, and it is our privilege to cry out to Him.


One test has been completed. There will be a second test about midnight, and a third test, probably between 6 and 8 am. Also, Jesus is still in control!

72 responses

  1. Every time I think of Pastor Bruce, Psalm 121 comes to mind. Praying with you as we lift our eyes to Him.

  2. Kristine Schmidt | Reply

    Leah, I clld my dad last nite and asked him to include your father on the prayer list at St. Domitilla. You now have a Chicago church praying for your dad as well as for you and your family. Kris

  3. Dear Edwards Family,

    We are continuing to lift you up in prayer and are praying for a complete and total miraculous healing in Pastor Bruce. We pray that the Lord would surround and envelope you in His love, peace, and tranquility.

    Kim, Vanessa, & Tori Gebauer

  4. Dearest Edwards,
    Praying continually for you and trusting and believing in the great creator. The church family all over the country and world are joining together and praying! Much love and hugs!

    Heather Wick (& fam)

  5. Karen Sweesy (Mallinder) | Reply

    The Mallinder’s and the Sweesy’s are praying daily for the total healing of Bruce’s body! We praise God our family has experienced the Lord’s healing mercies – we know first-hand HE is able INDEED! We love you, Bruce!

  6. To all the Edwards: There is no way we can understand what you must be going through at this time. I do know without a doubt that God is in control and we are praying for God’s perfect will and timing. We hold each one of you up before His throne of grace. Dan lives in London now, so prayers are going up also from his family to your family in the UK, as well as from your friends in Gibsonia – the Lipke’s. Daily dwell on God’s promises to you. “Not one word has failed of all His good promise” I Kings 8:56. With love, thoughts and prayers. Jerry Lipke

  7. Meredith And Darrel Ryssel | Reply

    Edwards family,
    As I was praying for Bruce last night the Holy Spirit spoke to me and gave me the song/verse “O Taste and See”. I woke up singing it and I wanted to share:

    The lyrics remind us that He will turn our mourning into gladness, put off our rags and clothe us in righteousness, that we will sing and not be silent!

    God is in control and like Brad says above, our hope is not in an outcome, it’s in JESUS!
    The Ryssel family continues to stand with you believing that God is Good!

  8. Jody and Rick Fortier | Reply

    We continue to pray and to keep Bruce and your family on our minds. Four days after Bruce’s accident we left for a trip to London. We meet a kind, caring and faith- filled woman on a bus tour and we shared our heavy hearts with her. She asked for Bruce’s first and last name so that she could pray for him by name. We read earlier about the folks from Africa and other parts of the world who are also praying. Here is another example of God’s influence at work. Jody and Rick

  9. thanks for update. still standing with you in christ

    d. bursick

  10. Love and prayers to you all through the night please know so many people are praying for all of you. My mom in Florida asked about Bruce tonight and had group praying. He is touching many lives spiritually like he always has.

  11. Praying with you for Bruce’s healing and holding on to God’s promises in confidence as these lyrics from Sanctus Real highlight..

    And hold on to the promises (Hold tight)
    Hold on to the promises (Alright)
    Jesus is alive so hold tight
    Hold on to the promises

    All things work for the good
    Of those who love God
    He holds back nothing that will heal you
    Not even His own Son
    His love is everlasting
    His faithfulness unending
    Oh, if God is for us who can be against us
    So if you feel weak

    Neither life, nor death
    Could separate us
    From the eternal love
    Of our God who saves us

    1. kathy Desalvo and Joe Desalvo | Reply

      awesome thank you

    2. needed that right now, thanks.

  12. Missing ya, Bruce ………… MUKOMARE !!

  13. Venantie Nyirampaka | Reply

    I continue my prayers for Bruce’s healing and for all his family I hope that our God is good all the time He is under control. may his grace be with you.

  14. I will continue to pray and be in agreement with you Edwards family. I will be praying around those specific times. I know that good has good things in store for your family and specifically for Bruce. Your family has blessed me through you loving God, even in your difficult circumstances. Truly our God is greater than these temporary circumstances, and remember that although this is such an intense time for all of you, it is temporary. God is with you, He is your strength, He is your ROCK, He is your source, He is your ever present help in time of need. He will NEVER let go of you!

  15. “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
    Jeremiah 29:11

    I am trusting in God’s promise to give Pastor Bruce a future and a hope.

  16. Roberto and Shelley | Reply

    Edwards Family,
    we stand with you in prayer for a healing in Bruce, and also for wisdom and peace for the family. xoxo

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